Janet King


Janet is a creator, strategist, and writer.  She’s on a mission to build a kinder, more meaningfully connected world, where our communities are the best collective expressions of our individual gifts.  Janet deeply believes in the potential of each person and place, and she enjoys incubating ideas that generate authentic, purposeful connection towards liberty and wellness.  She lives in Alabama with her husband, daughter, two cats, and a beloved village of friends and family.

Currently, she is on sabbatical as she “winters” between an accomplished career in strategy consulting and whatever wants to be created through her next. She has lots of thoughts on (and recommendations for) what it’s like to be “In The During” and would love to hear from you.


Get in touch

Questions? Ideas? Just want to chat? I’d love to hear from you.

Want my list of “In the During” favorites?
Email me here.